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On 21st August 2020 – Sir Ken Robinson – the best-selling author and TED Talk speaker died, aged 70.

He left this world surrounded by his family following a short battle from cancer.

Sir Ken was a brilliant and hugely inspirational leader in his field – education.

I first saw Sir Ken’s TED talk “Do schools kill creativity?” (below) a few years ago and I felt moved.

I think it must be the best presentation I have ever seen!

Incredibly clever, insightful, thoughtful and also wonderfully entertaining.


But the message is a very serious one.

I think it resonated with me so deeply partly because of my experiences as a parent and a school governor, but also as a child at school.  

I think you will find it a worthwhile watch and I hope it makes you think about what Ken says.  I’ve watched it many times since.

Such a visionary and an inspirational man who leaves us with an important message for the entire world.

I thorougly recommend watching it.